Sunday, July 14, 2024

The Real Joe

 I think a lot of people hold two rather incompatible views about Biden.  On the one hand he is seen is an old guy who isn't doing badly for his age.  On the other, he is stubbornly sticking to a course that will tank his legacy and doom the country.

Some insight into how the second assessment is the correct one are to be found in a Guardian Article, 

We Learned Everything We Needed to Know About Biden in 1988.

The concluding paragraph:

"... But Biden appears to have failed to heed a lesson his mother imparted to him, according to Cramer: “The most important was: tell the truth, and do what you promised.” Biden in 2020 promised to be a “bridge” or “transition” candidate, reportedly telling his advisers he wouldn’t seek a second term, and now is failing to face—and tell—the truth about his obvious cognitive decline, about his historically low approval rating, and the widespread view among voters that he should step aside. The world at 81 years old looks very different from when he was 44, and his deep-seated character traits now have hardened into something quite different. His gritty determination looks like blind obstinacy, his boundless belief in himself seems like arrogant self-regard, and his attempt to bend the world to his will appears like a delusion of grandeur."

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