Thursday, July 4, 2024

Looking Back, Thinking Ahead

 People who think Biden, after his disastrous debate performance, still has a chance of prevailing in November need to take a look back at 2016.  Hillary Clinton was not old or mentally compromised and she was a sharp debater.  She was not my preferred candidate, but I voted for her and thought there was no way the country would accept Trump as President; he was just as awful as he is now and he ran with the same platform he is pushing today.  In spite of that, and the fact that Hillary won the popular vote by 2.7 million, Trump triumphed.

Given Biden's determination to stay in the race it seems prudent now to formulate some strategies for resistance after Trump again occupies the White House.  Priorities need to be established based on threat levels for specific groups and leaders need to be identified and supported.

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