Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Looking for Light at the Tunnel's End

 Election results in France and Great Britain provide a couple bright points in an otherwise dark present.  The French fended off a right wing takeover of the government.  The Brits turned the page on fourteen years of a conservative created disaster which included Brexit.  So, it is encouraging that there are places still where sanity survives.

While the U.S. thus has some places to look at for inspiration going forward, the likely future still looks very threatening.  It can't surprise anyone that Trump has gained significant ground in the polls.  Biden, of course, is at the center of concern, but it has to be admitted that the current situation is not just on Biden's back.

The Democratic Party is dysfunctional.  The issue of Biden's competency did not suddenly appear out of nowhere, but must have been very obvious to party insiders for a long time.  Some are speaking out now, but it seems too late now to turn around the damage, and even putting up Kamala or someone else seems likely to cause as many problems as might be solved.  

That said, it still seem to me to be worthwhile to find someone other than Biden to confront Trump.  Even though the Democrats are likely to lose in November, at least they would have the needed motivation and a chance to address the fundamental weaknesses of the party and the country's flawed democracy.

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