Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Time for Action to End the War

 Biden keeps making vague complaints that Israel has not produced a plan for what comes after the Gaza war ends.  Why not get more specific and initiate the process with requirements and sanctions that are in the power of the U.S. and its allies to undertake?

Thomas Piketty describes the dilemma and its possible resolution in his blog:

...The challenges may seem immense, but what’s the alternative? To wait peacefully for the open slaughter of Palestinian civilians to reach 40,000 dead, then 50,000 dead, then 100,000 dead? The moral and political cost of Western inaction is exorbitant. It can be explained first and foremost by the navel-gazing of European and American societies, too preoccupied with their own divisions to take any real interest in constructive solutions in Israel-Palestine...

Netanyahu clearly wants to stretch out the war as long as possible to forestall corruption charges.  That cannot be allowed.

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