Monday, May 13, 2024

The Colonial Mentality Lives On

 The Albuquerque Journal like a lot of newspapers has shrunk down to a flimsy bit of newsprint. As the 2024 election approaches the paper has shifted into full reactionary mode.  

The editorial page of this Sunday's edition takes New Mexico Senator Heinrich to task for sponsoring a bill allowing Puerto Ricans the opportunity to choose whether they want to remain a territory, become a State of the Union with full voting rights for citizens, or become fully independent.  

The Journal's take on Heinrich's proposal is that Puerto Rico's acquisition of a likely four congress people would possibly lead to New Mexico losing some representation due to the cap on the total number allowed to serve in Congress.

According to the Journal,

Our senior senator needs to spend more time on issues that matter to New Mexico — like unprecedented levels of illegal immigration, violent crime, poor-performing and inequitable education and energy independence — and less time on high-minded initiatives like saving the planet by banning gas stoves and expanding the number of states for his political party’s gain but to his own state’s detriment.

What a miserable rag.

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