Wednesday, July 5, 2023

On the subject of incarceration (Google Bard)

 Compare the justice and prison systems of the United States  with other countries including costs and recidivism.


The United States has the highest incarceration rate in the world, with 639 people incarcerated per 100,000 residents. This is more than five times the rate of most other developed countries.

There are a number of reasons for this, including:

The United States has a "tough on crime" mentality, which leads to more people being incarcerated for longer sentences.

The United States has a large number of mandatory minimum sentences, which means that people are often sentenced to prison even for minor offenses.

The United States has a high rate of racial disparities in the criminal justice system, which means that people of color are more likely to be incarcerated than white people.

The high incarceration rate in the United States has a number of negative consequences, including:

It is very expensive. The United States spends more on its prisons than on its universities.

It leads to high rates of recidivism. People who are incarcerated are more likely to re-offend than people who are not incarcerated.

It has a negative impact on communities. When people are incarcerated, their families and communities are often left behind.

Other countries have different approaches to justice and prison systems. For example, Norway has a much lower incarceration rate than the United States. Norway focuses on rehabilitation rather than punishment, and it has one of the lowest recidivism rates in the world.

Here is a table comparing the justice and prison systems of the United States and Norway:

Country Incarceration Rate Recidivism Rate Cost per Prisoner

United States 639 per 100,000 residents 70% \$31,286

Norway 49 per 100,000 residents 20% \$60,000

As you can see, Norway has a much lower incarceration rate, a lower recidivism rate, and a higher cost per prisoner than the United States. This suggests that Norway's approach to justice and prison systems is more effective at reducing crime and preventing re-offending.

It is important to note that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to justice and prison systems. What works in one country may not work in another. However, the high incarceration rate in the United States is a major problem, and it is clear that there is a need for reform.

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