Saturday, July 2, 2022

Conveniently Overlooking the Obvious


Columnist,Geoge Will, posted a lengthy opinion piece today about the recent Supreme Court decision absolving the high school coach of any wrongdoing for praying on the football field at the beginning of a game.  Here's the gist of it in the last paragraph:

"...The court's decision for the football coach should cause timorous adults and the fragile young people they shape to stop fueling today's cancel culture and the demands for "safe spaces."  Mere exposure to another's belief does them no injury."

So, there you have it with no need to wade through Will's tortuous argument.  

The obvious part is the unspoken word, *Christian*.  Had the kneeling coach been a Moslem, a Jew, a BLM activist, or a Marxist it is a pretty sure thing that Will would not have been quite so generous in calling for respect of "another's belief".  Ditto for the Supremes.

2 comments: said...

Hmmm, just another piece of evidence that a Christian Evangelical Taliban has descended on the USA. And the recent political tools appointed to the Supreme Court will continue to force that evangelical crap down out throats.

Mike said...

I don't blame the evangelicals as much as I do the pandering, hypocritical politicians who exploit beliefs in which they have no real share.