Thursday, January 23, 2025

Immigration Reform for Dummies

 I don't know if there is that title in the works, but it seems like there is a large potential market.

Some possible chapter headings:

  • Immigrants - documented and undocumented  - have significantly lower rates of criminal offenses than U.S. citizens.
  • Most illegal drugs are brought into the country by citizens through normal ports of entry.
  • Undocumented immigrants make up a large percentage of agricultural workers who are vital to the U. S. economy.
  • People seeking asylum are driven by life-threatening circumstances which supercede any other threats including the possibility of rejection or expulsion at the border.
  • Intolerable living conditions in Central and South America are attributable in a large part to centuries of U.S. foreign policy which has undermined democracy and favored corporate monoculture and mining interests.
  • The billions proposed to deport immigrants would be better spent on supporting economic development in the immigrants' countries of origin.

 * * *

Trump’s neofascism is here now. Here are 10 things you can do to resist
- Robert Reich



Kodachromeguy said...

Sorry Mike, it is close to hopeless for a few months. By then, the fraudulent house of cards may start to unravel. But, it may turn the way Germany did in the late 1930s. There, evil, incompetence, corruption, racism, cronyism, and hatred corrupted an entire society. The result was not pretty.

Mike said...

There does seem to be quite a resemblance of Germany in the '30s to the U.S in 2025 in regard to the roles of the big industrialists of those two eras. They had Krupp and Thyssen, we have Musk and Bezos.