Saturday, August 10, 2024

A Happy Accident


My first step in editing scanned pictures in PhotoShop 12 is usually to click on (Image/Adjustments/Shadows and Highlights).  Recently, I clicked instead by accident on the next item below, HDR Toning.  The result was a one click adjustment of tonalities in the b&w image I happened to be working on, and it looked as good as anything I get from a sometimes lengthy bout with the the Shadows and Highlights adjustment.

I was curious how the HDR Toning adjustment would handle color, so I did a quick digital shot with my Canon Powershot of my always helpful model.  As with the b&w image, the instant HDR Toning result with the color shot was an adjustment of tonality that I thought very good, and the color had none of the garish over-saturation that plagues so many of he HDR images I see online.  There is a menu of adjustments in the HDR Toning feature, but I'm perfectly happy with the defaults.  If I need to make any additional adjustments I would likely use the standard Shadow/Highlights or Contrast features of the program.

I don't suppose any of this would be news to PhotoShop users who are actually proficient with the program, but it will be a time saver for me.

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