Wednesday, November 16, 2022

A drop in the bucket

 I got in the last word on the Nov. 16 edition of Joe Monahan's New Mexico Politics blog:

Reader Mike Connealy says:

Ronchetti's claim in his concession speech that "This campaign was a grassroots movement..." is laughable considering the big outside money that was poured into the campaign. Unfortunately, the Dems cannot claim the "grassroots" label either. It seems like an issue that both sides should get together on. 

This is the home of New Mexico Politics. 

E-mail your news and comments. (

I'll try to come up with a more substantial analysis of the elections once the dust has settled. 

1 comment: said...

From what I can tell, almost no national or state-level campaigns are "grassroots" any more in USA. Citizens United opened the floodgates to legalized bribery by corporations and PACs. This will be one of the nails in the US democracy experiment.