Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Thank You for Your Service

I had several social services jobs during the AIDS pandemic.  I was mostly responsible for seeing that people got access to whatever assistance was then available.  In those early years an AIDS diagnosis was a death sentence, so what I was offering did not seem to amount to much to me or my clients.  Dr. Fauci's firm leadership in getting the illness recognized and ultimately overcome was of inestimable value.

The prognosis for individuals with Covid 19 was not as severe as that for people afflicted with AIDS, but millions still died.  Dr. Fauci was there again to deal with the development of strategies to deal with the pandemic, and he stuck it out even in the face of confusion and misdirection from the administration he was working under when the pandemic erupted.

There is still much to be done to curb suffering and deaths from Covid, and the same conditions that allowed the lightning spread of that disease ensure that we are going to be faced with similar challenges in the immediate future.  Dr. Fauci will no longer be acting as the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, but he has said he will continue to find ways to exercise his expertise.  I will certainly be paying attention to what he has to say, and I hope we can elect political leaders who will do the same.


8/23/22 (KOB4)

New Mexico COVID-19 update: 18 deaths, 110 hospitalizations, 1,327 cases


kodachromeguy@bellsouth.net said...

Dr. Fauci was a national hero. I am amazed he stayed in his job as long as he did considering the hateful, ignorant, and vicious attacks from the MAGA deplorables. And as we know now, about 300,000 of them died above the expected mortality rate compared to non-covid conditions. Death wish??

Mike said...

Yes, they are still dying. Looks like there is now a choice of Covid or Polio.