Sunday, December 1, 2019

Ignore Trump

He craves attention.  The best way to deal with him is to just look away.  He is, after all, just a symptom of what is wrong with the country -- the domination of government at all levels by the Republican agenda.

There is some satisfaction to be derived from exposing Trump's thuggish behavior in the impeachment inquiries.  There is certainly also some value to exposing the hipocracy of Trump's congressional supporters.  In the end, though, none of that matters if Democrats don't have  an effective strategy for winning.

There is a good overview available at The New York Review of Books of how Democrats can regain momentum toward achieving control of the nation through a bottom up strategy.  Joseph O'Neill reviews of couple of books which examine Democratic Party successes and failures, and he extrapolates their evidence to some hard-hitting recommendations for the long haul.  Worth a read.

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