Saturday, October 5, 2019


"For the first time since the beginning of the Democratic presidential primary, Elizabeth Warren took the lead in PredictIt’s online betting markets over the weekend. Shares of the Massachusetts senator were going for as high 29 cents on Sunday, one cent more than Joe Biden’s. Senators Kamala Harris and Bernie Sanders were a fairly distant third and fourth..."
Bernie has a good excuse for a sudden relative drop in popularity.  Biden does not; he is just coming up against raw reality.

The idea that the former Vice-Pres was the one most likely to beat Trump was based on equal parts of his association with Obama and a dose of nostalgia for largely imagined better times.  Now, it is becoming increasingly clear that Joe is short on genuinely original ideas and he has demonstrated little skill in articulating the ideas he does have.  It seems unlikely that Biden would hold up well in a debate with an unscrupulous performer like Trump.

Warren has thought deeply about the major issues and developed thorough policy positions on all of them.  Equally important, she has shown that she knows how to deal with Trump-style trolling.
How to get rid of that skunk smell?
(help from Science)

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