Friday, May 31, 2013

Drought Relief

As part of the redesign of my New Mexico Rock Art web site, I've added a "favicon" in the form of the Anasazi rain god, Tlaloc.  It is similar to representations of the deity in petroglyphs and pictographs. The image is displayed in the tab at the top of the browser window whenever you visit any of the pages on the site.

The Tlaloc appeared all along the upper Rio Grande Valley, and likely became increasingly common as New Mexico slipped into a severe drought which lasted for decades during the 16th Century. The region is currently in a drought period which is very severe, and it could be just as devastating as previous historic droughts which led to great changes in the landscape, and sometimes disastrous consequences for the human populations.

So, my thought is that each time someone clicks a link to one of my rock art web site pages, the Tlaloc will be invoked, with hopefully beneficial results.  I'm thinking it can't hurt, and will likely be just as effective as most measures currently being undertaken to get climate warming under control.

The National Weather Service has an eye-opening page devoted to the New Mexico drought which has plenty of details to keep the Tlaloc busy.

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