Saturday, February 4, 2012


The Germans fielded the first operational jet fighter in WWII, the me262.  

This model was constructed in OpenVSP.  I've learned a few more things about using the program, but still don't understand how one might round off the wingtips, nor how to properly shape the cross-sections.  I used a POD object to form the canopy; it gives a smoother result than the FUSE object, but no individual cross-section control. Perhaps I'll try this same model in Sketchup.


Cris said...

This may interest you:

Mike said...

Thanks for the link. Great short film with some outstanding graphics.

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you're enjoying VSP -- I stumbled across this, but the Google Group is a good place to ask questions.

Rounding tips - In the MS Wing editor, under the 'Sect' tab, there is a button to turn on rounded tips.

For more control on your canopy, you're headed in the right direction. Trying to manipulate a single fuselage component to include the canopy is tough -- using a Pod component is better If the Pod doesn't give enough control, just use another fuselage component. One for the real fuselage, another for the canopy.

Mike said...

I'm encouraged to see others working with VSP. It seems to me the program has a lot of potential, but it will be helpful to have some dialogue about technique to promote an understanding of how to best proceed. It would be nice if some of the NASA people would share some experiences of how VSP has been used up to the present. I wonder, for instance, what kind of displays and interactive tools have proved useful. I'm also uncertain about the possibilities of interactively creating the cross-sectional templates and moving them into the model.